Saturday, September 26, 2015

Fitness AND Preventive care work better together

Fitness AND Preventive care work better together

There is a statue at the base of Vail Mtn, one of my favorite.  It brilliantly captures the power and grace of Skiing .  Vail us our winter home, Winter Park our permanent residence.  After a deep stretch (ahhhh) I travelled to Vail to take care of some pre-season biz, which included a visit to the Chiropractor!  I was amiss in maintaining my visits, well overdue and WAY out of alignment!  I am Sore, but much better  now.   It's obvious how much weight I put into fitness and nutrition as the cornerstone of wellness. My mistaken tendency however, is to count on my behaviors and habits in lieu of preventive care , when really I need to be investing equally in both!

I guess it's  my knee-jerk reaction to where I think we have strayed as a Country. Putting too much of our health and wellness in the hands of the medical community and not taking enough personal responsibility through our own daily actions, behaviors and habits. I don't personally have much faith in medical practitioners who don't believe in prevention, lifestyle and daily wellness behaviors and more likely see their patients as a collection of symptoms to treat with pills and surgeries.  I believe we need to be in partnership, working with a health care provider who recognizes and embraces prevention with lifestyle AND taking personal responsibility in our daily behaviors.

15 years ago I skied with a Cardiologist (a ski client) who took lifestyle and diet very seriously.  He was the FIRST medical practitioner from whom I'd ever heard any correlation between inflammation and heart disease, which of course is now mainstream thinking.        He then shared his personal philosophy and daily practices of intense cardio training, balancing Omega fatty acids (more 3, less 6 and 9), reducing grains and sugars, increasing good fats.  He was WAY before his time and I was so impressed with him, as he was truly the first medical practitioner who walked the talk!  
My husband and my choices in primary care doctors are athletes,  who follow careful and thoughtful nutrition plans. We use Chiropractors for spinal and joint maintenance.  I'm studying nutrition and working with a Nutritionist to keep track of individual supplement needs and to help with hormonal balance via nutrition (NOT HRT!).   Recently our Optometrist purchased a new camera that takes pictures of the back of our eyes. She's looking at our health, as it's reflected in our eye and specifically looks for early signs of Type II Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Glaucoma , Cataracts, Macular Degeneration. Our health looked GREAT by the look of our eyes!

Fitness AND Preventive care ...working better together

Going forward, we will continue to do what testing we feel is prudent (vs covering the collective medical butt's) and helpful, as well as taking personal responsibility through our lifestyle choices to remain well and thriving.
 It's not either lifestyle OR medical care. It's both, and!

Curious about how you can run a successful home business and become both more physically AND financially fit?

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