Monday, February 29, 2016

Tips for Fat Loss

We are surrounded daily by Tips for Fat Loss. The problem is that many people are using the wrong Information and Tips for Fat Loss to try and achieve their fat loss goals. Everyone understands how they would like to look or feel, but frustration just sets in as they use tips that just has them doing it all the wrong. This just ends up becoming a vicious cycle of frustration, desperation, crash diets, metabolic damage and eventually more fat gain or regain.
The majority of the information and tips that the fitness and fat loss industry puts out there is not designed to truly work. It is about earning money versus changing lives. If all the recommended methods did work, everyone would be walking around lean and healthy. If the book, supplement, and lose fat quickly companies wanted you to really lose the weight they couldn’t continue to sell millions upon millions of products that keep their company earning billions.  


1. Avoid Processed Carbohydrates: Processed carbohydrates include white or low quality wheat breads, pasta, crackers, muffins, gluten free products, chips, sugar, fruit juices, oats with sugar, breakfast cereals, “health” bars, pastries and grains.
Processed carbs raise our blood sugar rapidly, causing the release of our main fat storage hormone insulin. When blood sugar and insulin levels stay low the body is able to burn excess body fat as fuel instead of needing carbs and sugars constantly.
  1. Eat Enough Protein: Protein is one of the highest satiety foods. It will leave you feeling satisfied and fuller for a longer period. Muscles helps us to burn fat, and protein is needed to build muscle.
  1. Eight Hours of Sleep per Night: Sleep is when the body is the most anabolic and builds muscle. Adequate sleep is also important for optimal recovery from exercise. Not getting enough sleep leads to an increase in appetite and cravings for carbohydrates and sugary foods.
  1. Clean Out the Junk: Clean out the foods that are junk foods that become a habitual grab and roadblock. Out of Sight, Out of Mind is the best method. A drug addict who is getting clean doesn’t keep their stash around just because they already paid for it.
Removing junk food also has an effect on the brain as it is a form of dedication to your journey to a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Portion Control: Be aware of portion sizes. Society has skewed the view on an actual portion size of most if not all foods. Balance is what you need.
Your metabolic system will love real foods, balanced out throughout the day in the right portions. This will rev-up your fat burning ability. If you need assistance in establishing the best nutrition plan you may want to check out the Portion Balanced Plan that Beachbody offers with all of its latest fitness programs.

Saturday, February 20, 2016


How do you Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom? Most people just start working out and following a program, not even considering how that could Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom. This holds especially true for people who most often attend group training programs. Typically, the group trainer does not have the participants track their progress or invite them to change up the weights or functionality of their exercise, with the result that you don’t use progression to avoid plateaus.
Planning Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom doesn’t just come from adjusting the load and having various levels of exercise. There are five very important exercise progressions that can help you avoid boredom and plateaus.


  • The Load (Weight) – This is the obvious exercise progression. Adding more weight makes the exercise harder.  Many people don’t realize that you can change the load of an exercise by also changing the angle. An example would be push-ups on the decline or the incline. When you are changing the load and angles often you can have better gains, avoid plateaus, and keep you from being bored with the same old exercises.
  • Change How You Stand – Adjusting your body position and stance can reduce or increase how your body is supported. When you do this your body has to work in different ways to support the exercise. An example would be to move from a standing normal to a staggered stance. This creates a whole new level of support needed throughout an exercise.
  • Tempo – Changing the tempo or speed of the exercise can definitely change how the body responds to the exercise. Increase or decrease the overall speed. Increasing the concentric, and slowing the eccentric move or vice versus can create different results. For example, you could alter the tempo of a squat with a one count on the way down and a three count up as you come out of the squat.
  • Combination Moves – This is when you put two exercises or movements together. Combinations create a bigger metabolic demand on the body or body part, which in turn creates more results.  You can combine squats with a shoulder press, deadlifts with back rows, or other exercises..
  • Move More – The more you move the more you are adding to your exercise and exercise program. An example would be a kettlebell squat swing. The swing is great on its own, but if you step to the side, then squat and swing, then step back in and on to the other side to repeat you are doing more.
Overall you just need to always be challenging and changing your skill level. Exercise and training should always be progressing in the overall program, the way you lift or move, and how much you lift or move.


Many people have a hard time developing these progressions and then doing them in the proper progression and safe manner. So if you can, it is always suggested to work with a trainer to help you develop these skills. If working with a trainer is not something that works for you, then taking a look at Beachbody Fitness Programs like the Master’s Hammer and Chisel, P90X3, 21 Day Fix, and more is the next best thing. These programs provide the proper Exercise Progression to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom. Plus, they all come with amazing easy to use nutrition plans, and a free coach.
With Beachbody Programs your options are limitless and you will definitely not get bored and you will avoid plateaus.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


We can all Feel Better After 40 with Two Easy Lifestyle Shifts. In today’s society it is unfortunate, but many people over the age of 40 have difficulty with daily routine, let alone running around with their children. For people who don’t take care of themselves, injury and fatigue are far too common.
Why do people let this happen to themselves? Who wants to only live an active life up to the age of forty and then basically give up on strength, energy, and easy mobility?
Shifts in what you do can make you feel better now. Think how you will Feel Better After 40 with Two Easy Lifestyle Shifts. The best part is you don’t need to hire top nutrition and fitness coaches, and you definitely don’t need to spend wasted weeks and month experimenting with products and programs trying to educate yourself. There are two major but easy and inexpensive shifts that can make a world of difference.


So, here it is… Feel Better After 40 with Two Easy Lifestyle Shifts.

  • Get Moving with a Fitness Program that Is Designed to Create a Strong and Healthy Body!

We are meant to move, not sit for hours on end. Unfortunately, many of our jobs these days are desk jobs, so intentional movement is very important. Walking helps but isn’t the full answer. You need movement is designed to help you get stronger, do it in a way that is safe, creates a foundation of fitness, and challenges you as you become stronger. So how do you get that in 45 minutes or less per day? Easy… Beachbody fitness programs and Beachbody On-Demand. These programs will have you moving and being healthy in 45 minutes or less per day.

  • Don’t Count Calories, Eat Foods with a Lifestyle Plan

Yes, processed sugars, (cookies, cake, etc), dairy, alcohol, and refined grains (cereal, bread, boxed pasta, etc.) are just not good for you. Reducing these alone can get you started on the track to feeling more energetic. With that said, creating a lifestyle plan where you still can enjoy those things on occasion and don’t have to count calories each day is what makes eating healthier so much easier. There are two things that can make all the difference in creating a healthy nutritional lifestyle.
One is to drink Shakeology. It is the cleanest and natural nutritional shake on the market. Why not get total nutrition in a tasty shake? Plus, Shakeology has proven to help energy, digestion, weight loss, cravings, and an array of health issues associated with unhealthy nutrition and lack of exercise.  


Second. Don’t worry about counting calories,  but enjoy proper portions of the foods you love. This is easily done with Beachbody’s Portion Fix Nutrition Plan. You cannot ask for an easier plan that will leave you full, satisfied, and happy you don’t have to think or count calories to be healthy. This nutrition plan also comes with all of Beachbody’s top Fitness Programs like 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Cize, Insanity Max30, Master’s Hammer and Chisel, and more.
The greatest thing about these two easy lifestyle shift is they are inexpensive. If you consider adding up the costs of  a gym membership, nutritional products, gas to drive to the gym, and your time driving to the gym,  your expense will be at least $10 a day and only 1 in 3 people get lasting results. If you add the cost of trainer into the mix you are looking at way more money.
So why not get a Free Coach to help guide you, a nutritional plan, fitness program, and nutritional supplements for $5 or less per day, and know that what you are using and doing works.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I love the reasonable, I don't have to be perfect approach in this article! I firmly believe what's most important is to consider 'Long-Term Health' as my first priority! Make the inside healthy and the outside will reflect with vitality!!60

What to Do If I Cheat on My Diet, has a short answer and a long answer.

Cheating with a meal or two on your diet has temporary effects like fluid retention which is always caused by excess salt, sugar, and fat intake. In extreme events when you throw caution to the wind and binge massively over an entire weekend you will have actual body fat gain. If this is the case the question of “What to Do If I Cheat on my Diet?” question is out the door. There is nothing you can do about gained fat other than get back to work. The temporary side effects of a meal or two will flush out in 24-48 hours. You have to deal with the effects as you bring them on.


Before we get into the long answer of this question, you need to remember that the scale is really a bad indicator of to whatever damage was caused by a binge weekend. It takes 3,500 excess calories to create a pound of fat. With that said there are also other factors that must be taken into account before you can say that you just are going to put on a pound of fat. Some of those factors include hormonal shifts and gut bacteria levels.
So your weekend binge is really not five pounds of fat when you step on that scale Monday morning, though that doesn’t give you the green light to binge all the time. Bingeing will catch up with you and it’s not good for your health. Our bodies thrive on clean eating. The more clean eating you do, and the less bingeing, the better you will feel.
The majority of the Monday morning scale number is temporary fluid retention due to too much salt, sugar, and fat and a great indication that your muscles are clean fuel-starved.
It is very simple to understand this process. Our bodies like to maintain a certain salinity in our extracellular fluid. If you consume too much salt, the salinity goes up, so your body holds on to more water as it focuses on restoring the balance. Once you stop consuming all the excess salt, your body will restore the balance, and the water will flush out.
Clean fuel-starved muscles are the other factor. Our muscles contain their own internal carb-based fuel source called glycogen. Glycogen brings water into muscle. When you are working on losing weight you are typically creating a calorie deficit, and your muscles tend to run lower in glycogen levels, and therefore the muscle tissue carries less water. So if you suddenly eat at a surplus of calories, sugar, salt, and fat this will stimulate the body to recharge the glycogen stores, which in turn increases the fluid volume in muscle tissue, which will also bring up the number on the scale.


So if you are a person who is consuming 1,200-1,400 calories a day to lose weight but are also add in weight training this will initially cause a weight gain, as the body has to store water as it balances what the muscles need. It will subside after some time. So the scale can go up or down from water during a weight loss, muscle gain regimen.
Having a Cheat Meal every 25-30 days is not necessarily a bad thing. An increase in calories thrown into the middle of a longer period of eating at a calorie deficit can actually benefit your overall goals.
What to Do If I Cheat on My Diet? That is easily answered. You simply get right back on track. Of course you don’t want to go on a pizza binge for days, but to have one meal every 25-30 days where you have some extra calories can actually help.  So dump the guilt trip and jump back in with your workouts and clean eating. Your body will let you know that you cannot do that often. It likes the extra calories now and then, but it wants to be healthy and clean.