Saturday, May 21, 2016

Eating Avocado Each day!

In this last week of our Spring Reset ( based, supplement supported, anti-inflammatory, clinically studied cleanse) we have added avocado to our meals daily. This little dandy reduces inflammation, retards hunger and makes our skin glow! With the truth revealed about how GREAT fats are for us, it's time to up the ante with Avo!!60

Eating Avocado Each Day


Eating Avocado Each Day

We have all heard about eating an apple a day, but how about Eating Avocado Each Day? It is believed that the avocado originated in Puebla, Mexico, and the oldest evidence was found in a cave dating back to around 10,000 BC. This cultural food was classified in the same family as camphor and cinnamon. The avocado is considered a large berry, and grows on a tree that can reach heights of 6 feet. Avocados truly ripen in 1-2 weeks after being picked.
Avocados are often referred to as the healthiest food due to its impressive nutritional value, which is whyEating Avocado Each Day could benefit you.

Eating Avocado Each Day

Avocados contains these vitamins and minerals:
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium
  • Zinc

Other benefits to Eating Avocado Each Day:

  • Avocados have 14% potassium compared to 10% of a banana.
  • Avocados have 23% folate. Folate can lower incidences of heart disease, lower the risks of a stroke, and is essential in the prevention of birth defects such as spina bifida and neural tube defect.
  • Avocados contain an antioxidant called glutathione that can also help prevent heart disease, cancer, and slows the signs of aging due to the fact it helps fight off free radicals
  • Avocados can help our body absorb 5 times the amount of carotenoids (lycopene and beta carotene), and they contain more carotenoid lutein than any other fruit, which can protect against muscular degeneration and cataracts.
  • Avocados are also high in beta-sitosterol, which can aid in lowering bad cholesterol by 22%, raise good cholesterol by 11%, and lower blood triglycerides by 20%.
  • Avocados are also high in fiber which will help you feel fuller longer, potentially help with weight loss, and helps maintain metabolic health and steadies blood sugar levels.
  • Pholyphenols and flavonoids are also found in avocados, which have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Avocados cleanse the intestines, relieve bad breath, nourishes the skin and are beneficial in helping treat psoriasis and other skin irritations.
With all of these amazing benefits you may want to consider adding this healthy fat to your daily nutrition. It is good to have a serving of a healthy fat each day, so why not have avocados be a part of that plan. Eating Avocado Each Day as a part of your healthy nutrition could really pack a punch in health benefits. Bring on the Avocado!
For more great article on fitness, nutrition and cutting edge supplementation - check out my blog!60

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Hydration – Is it Important to Weight Loss


Hydration – Is it Important to Weight Loss

Hydration is important for so many reasons, but is it important to weight loss? Our bodies are about 50-75% water depending on our body composition. Water is responsible for many different functions throughout our body.
Water gives us so many benefits such as;
  • Regulates our body temperature
  • Carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells
  • Dissolves minerals and nutrients
  • Aide’s digestion and prevents stomach aches during digestion
  • Protects the body organs and tissues
  • Lubricates joints
  • Keeps us alert
  • Prevents headaches
  • Boosts cognitive abilities and focus
  • Protects the heart
Of course this just names a few benefits that come from being properly hydrated.
It is important to be hydrated, but is it important to weight loss? The answer is, YES!
Proper hydration increases the metabolism. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, drinking 17 ounces of water increases the metabolic rate by 30% in healthy men and women. The maximum effect on the metabolic rate was reached 30-40 minutes after the water was drank.
Think about that…
If you are properly hydrated throughout the day, your metabolism is functioning better and burning more. If you are hydrated during exercise, you will also burn more.
So, if you are among the thousands who want to lose a few or many pounds, proper hydration is a must. Many people track their food and physical activity when they want to lose weight, but very few track their water intake. If weight loss is your goal, you should be tracking your water intake as well. Really everyone regardless should track their water intake to ensure they are hydrated. Proper water intake throughout the day can help assure our metabolism is operating at full capacity.
So how do you know how much water your body needs? It comes down to using a simple formula to calculate your general water needs. Please note: This formula is not exact, but accurate enough to be very close to what your body will need. Of course if you are still feeling thirsty you may need to add some more. Being thirsty mean you’re dehydrated.  If you find you need more water, increase by 8 ounces at time. Once the consistent feeling of being thirsty is gone, you have hit the mark.
Hydration Formula:  
  1. Know your body weight. Make sure you obtain an accurate reading. Digital scales are the most accurate. If the number on the scale shows decimals, round down if .4 or lower; and round up if .5 or higher. If using an analog scale, attempt to be as accurate as possible. (Example: 175.4 pounds = 175 pounds. 225.5 is rounded to 2225, etc.)
  1. Divide your weight in half. (Example: 225 pounds/ 2= 112.5, which is rounded to 113 ounces.) This number is your required water intake in ounces.
  1. Determine Your Activity Level. Your activity level is the level to which you physically exert yourself. This exertion has a direct correlation with our water intake. As we exercise or perform any physical or strenuous activity, our bodies will naturally expel water. This means our consumption will need to be increased to replenish what is lost.
A good general gage for physical activity is as follows:
  • For every 30 minutes of vigorous exercise add 16 ounces.
  • For every 30 minutes of moderate exercise add 8 ounces.
  • For every 30 minutes of light exercise or walking add 4 ounces. *
*if you have a job that you put in a lot of time doing physical work, or walking you will need to calculate extra water that is needed for the time spent doing those activities. (Example: Person walks for 4 hours at their job – additional 32 ounces, or a construction worker is doing hard physical labor for 4 hours – additional 64 ounces)
  1. Calculate your water intake needs. Follow steps 1 to 3. Add the numbers derived from steps two and three.
Weight: 250 pounds
250 ÷ 2 = 125 ounces
30 minutes of daily vigorous exercise = 16 ounces
125 ounces + 16 ounces = 141 ounces
(18 8-ounce classes or 12 12-ounce glasses of water per day)
Hydration – Is It Important to Weight Loss? YES!
Here are a few other helpful tips to keep yourself hydrated. When you are hydrated your body is happy, and your metabolism firing at full capacity.
  • Drink 16 ounce of water 30 minutes prior to every meal. This guarantees you 48 ounces just by implementing this habit.
  • Drink 16 ounces in the morning right after getting out of bed, and 16 ounces 30 minutes before going to bed. This gets you another 32 ounces.
  • When you see others drink something, drink some water.
  • Never leave the house without a bottle of water. Get a bright colored and fun bottle to help set this habit.
  • If you live in arid climates, add an additional 16 ounces to your daily consumption.
  • Use lemons, limes or other fresh fruit in your water.
  • Use a high quality, clean and free of artificial ingredients hydration supplement during exercise.
Hydration is important to weight loss. Whatever you need to do to consume the water your body needs, set up those habits and your body will want to shed more body fat.
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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Burn More Fat by Eating Fat

Think about it… Burn More Fat by Eating Fat.
Hello… I know you mouth just dropped, but it’s true. The late 80’s brought on the onset of the low fat diet, and it has become a yo-yo of truths and myths since. Manufacturers marketed low-fat and no-fat everything, and consumers responded by chowing down. This was so wrong on all levels. Science has shown that this was stripping our bodies of a much-needed nutrients, and really helped launch the movement of increased obesity. The reason this had an impact on obesity is that food manufacturers replaced fat with loads of sugar, salt, artificial everything, corn syrup, and nutrient deficient additives. Through the years of this yo-yo, science has come out on top. Science has shown us that you will burn more fat by eating fat, creating a leaner and slimmer body.
Hold on… Fat can help us lose weight and maintain our weight? YES!
Fat doesn’t make us fat? Not when you eat the right kind of fats in the right portions. When you do this your body may actually burn more fat.
Fat is not something to avoid. Fat is essential for normal growth and development. Healthy dietary fats help with energy, protects your organs, maintains cell membranes, it helps the body absorb and process nutrients more efficiently, and it helps the body burn fat. Science has shown that our bodies should have a third of our daily calories come from healthy dietary fats.

Burn More Fat by Eating Fat

Of course deep-fried hot dog, pizza, French fries, potato chips, and hamburgers are not examples of healthy fats. These foods will not create trim body and have been part of the plague of obesity and disease.
The fats you should eat, especially if you want to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight should come from unsaturated sources. These monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fats come from foods like fish, seeds, nuts, leafy vegetables, olive oil, coconut oil, hummus, and avocados. Plus, these foods are packed with a ton nutrients.
If we take a moment to just look at an avocado. It has great benefits and fat burning potential. These nutritional hand grenades have an explosive impact on our diets. They’re infused with the key nutrients and the biggest benefit: Healthy Fat.
Check out how an avocado can really enhance your diet. Avocado toast is a bite of goodness gives you a punch of three macro-nutrients that will give you a kick of energy. You get carbohydrates, protein, and fat. A gram of fat packs more than twice as much energy than a gram of carbs or protein gives you. So this little healthy fat addition to your toast helps revs up your calorie burning furnace because the fat helps fuel the calorie burning process which helps maintain your metabolism. Yes, it takes healthy new fat to burn off the old unhealthy belly, thighs, or butt fat.
Another great idea is to put an egg into the middle of the avocado where the seed normally sits. This will give you a good source of protein and fat. Besides protein keeping you fuller longer, so does healthy fats. So another benefit of the healthy fat is that it stays in the digestive system longer than other nutrients which in turn can help to stabilize blood sugar levels as well.
So now that you know that you will Burn More Fat by Eating Fat, let’s touch on how healthy fats also help you Builds Muscle, and process other nutrients more efficiently.
Healthy fats incorporated into a healthy portioned nutrition plan along with an effective exercise program will have you increasing muscle. Again increasing muscle mass is vital to increasing metabolism and burning calories while at rest and when exercising. A metabolic study released in 2011 examined the adults ages 25 to 45 that increased their healthy fat consumption had higher protein concentrations and increased size of muscular cells versus the group that had lower levels of healthy fat intake. This also proved that healthy fat would help prevent muscle mass loss due to aging.
As for nutrient processing, many nutrients including vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. This means that the body cannot absorb these nutrients without fat. If you cannot absorb nutrients properly your body can become nutrient deficient. These deficiencies may bring on dry skin, hair loss, muscle cramps and pains, blindness, brittle bones, and abnormal blood clotting, just to name a few. Vitamins are also key to maintaining energy, focus, and muscular health, all of which contribute to maintaining a healthy weight.
shutterstock_124535572Embrace the fact that fat is essential to a healthy diet. Remember to make a third of your daily calories coming from healthy fat so you can begin to establish some healthy changes.